Saturday, 23 May 2020

10.b.Easy tips for Parenting of Primary School Student (Parental Responsibilities and tips)

Important areas of Parental Responsibilities

It is true that these children are older now. They are growing and learning ways of the world. However, they need parental support regularly and you cannot shirk from your responsibilities about bringing them up. These include, primarily, teaching them the difference between right and wrong, and that they must choose what is right. The basic areas of parental responsibilities include:


Parents need to take care of their children’s health.

Diet: It requires them to see that the children take regular, balanced and nutritious diet.

Activities: Some routine exercise, outdoor games, and physical activities should be scheduled and followed regularly.

Lifestyle: The children should be discouraged from a sedentary lifestyle and consumption of junk food items.

Physical Ailments: In case of any physical ailment, care should be taken for consulting a pediatrician at the earliest. They should be encouraged to always report the parents about any kind of physical discomfort.

Vision Problems: Excessive screen time from the viewing of Television, mobile phones, computers, etc. may cause vision problems that should not be allowed to aggravate and corrective measures should be taken. 

Hearing Problems: Similarly, loud music causes hearing problems in the children as their systems are quite delicate.

Passive Smoking: Parents should avoid smoking in the presence of their children as it may affect them because of passive smoking.

Dental Problems: Regular dental hygiene should be taught to them so that there is no dental problem. The children should not eat chocolates excessively in order to protect their teeth.

Growth and Development

The physical and the mental growth parameters of the children should be regularly monitored.

Physical growth parameters- Their height and weight are good measures of physical growth. The cases of obesity are growing in the children that may cause abnormalities like juvenile Diabetes, heart problems, and muscular problems. On the contrary, underweight children also develop many health problems. They should be encouraged to play a lot of outdoor sports and undertake physical activity for meeting the physical growth parameters.

Mental Growth parameters-Mental growth parameters can be adjudged by the results of the tests, examinations, class performances, class interaction, etc. The basic areas to be taken care at this point are:

·     Linguistics: The children should be able to learn and follow new words, their usage, grammatical knowledge, syntax and prowess in speech as well as writing. 

·    Numbers: Mathematics is very important subject as it forms the basis to learn many other subjects. Care should be taken that the students practise more and more sums on their own.

·  Scientific temperament: In this scientific age, the children should have the scientific temperament. It means that they should not accept anything at its face value but analyze it thoroughly to form their own opinion.

·       Artistic abilities: If the children are encouraged to develop artistic temperament, it may add to their holistic persona.

·   Attention Span: Their attention span is a good way to check their mental growth parameters.

·       Public Speaking: The children should be able to develop oratory skills.

·       General awareness: Their general awareness of the world around them tells a lot about their healthy growth.

·     Participation in co-curricular activities: If the children show shyness and resistance to participate in co-curricular activities, it demonstrates their lacking somewhere in mental growth parameters.

·       Indoor games: They should be encouraged to play indoor games like chess to increase their mental growth.


As per this website, good quality sleep is requisite for the healthy development of the mind as well as the body. Lack of sleep may affect the child for a long time to come. Proper sleep is akin to the recharging the battery of the brain. It makes the children mentally alert and very positively increases their attention span. Children’s sleep should be in line with their biological clocks.

Although their sleep requirement is not as much now as when they were toddlers but still, a healthy, deep 8-hours’ sleep is a must that will keep them fresh during the day. They should tire themselves during the day so as to enjoy a healthy sleep during the night. There should be a regular sleep pattern. If the next day is Sunday or a holiday, it does not mean that they keep awake till late in the night. The proper atmosphere must be maintained at the time of their sleep. They may be encouraged to read a book before going to bed instead of Television viewing or playing games on the computer.

Safety and Security

Even if they have grown a bit but still the parents need to take care of their safety and security. The children can easily get into a hazardous situation. Therefore, protective measures need to be taken to ensure their safety.

External risks and how to prevent them:

·      Water sources: They should not be allowed to play near rivers, lakes, ponds other water bodies without any an adult being close to them. They should learn swimming to avoid drowning.

·   Road crossing: They should be properly trained to cross the roads only at the zebra crossing.

·    Strangers: Some evil-mongers are in the business of kidnapping the children and ask their parents for a ransom amount. The children should be trained not to trust strangers under any circumstances.

Internal risks and how to prevent them:

·     Risky items: Every house is full of the items that are useful but can prove to be very risky in the hands of the children. These can be matchboxes, knives, scissors, electrical equipment pointed objects etc. There are many poisonous substances like medicines, rat kills, acids, cleaners, etc. which may be consumed by them accidentally.

# ParentingOfPrimarySchoolStudent                                                                                            # EasyTipsForParentingOfPrimarySchoolStudent                                                                      # HealthOfPrimarySchoolStudent # GrowthOfPrimarySchoolStudent                                       # DevelopmentOfPrimarySchoolStudent # SleepOfPrimarySchoolStudent                               # SafetyOfPrimarySchoolStudent # SecurityOfPrimarySchoolStudent

R C Verma
This is second article of this series. Please read all and give your critical  comments in the box or mail me at


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