Wednesday, 16 September 2020

33.b. Only 8 tips for that perfect email

This is second article of the 2-articles series on emails. Please also read first article, “33.a. Doesn’t email mean easy mail?” on this space.

Everybody thinks that writing email is very simple. Millions of emails are being sent daily but still, if we adhere to the following 8 tips, our emails will shine out.

1.     Nobody has time: That’s a blatant fact. Nobody has time to read your long story. They would like to finish it in a jiffy because their inbox is full. They are out to delete mails that are too long/ cumbersome/ distracting/ taking their precious time. Use simple, short sentences to express your point precisely.

2.     Use subject line wisely: Your subject should say it all. The reader would appreciate if he or she understands it just by reading the subject line. It may be in your good interest as well as it may be forwarded to the right person immediately.

3.     Be polite: No, no, I am not asking you always to be formal (Dear Sir/ Madam) but you can be polite in your language. It will show your class and not offend the addressee. Rude language may force your mail to be sent in spam or deleted.

4.     Read before you press the SEND button; Don’t hurry up for pressing this button. Always give a careful reading after finishing the mail. After all, we are human beings, prone to making mistakes of typos, punctuation, syntax, usage of wrong words/ phrases. There is no point in repenting once it is sent to create a mess.

5.     Keep to the given subject: Nobody is interested in reading to the additions like “I also take this opportunity to draw your attention to another point i.e._____” If need be, send another e-mail for that.

6.     What are the bullet points for? If your text is getting longer and you can’t help it, you can at least it in different sentences each marked with a bullet point. It will look neat and readable.

7.     Use good space: It does not cost anything if you give a proper space in between the sentences. Good readability will support your cause.

8.     Be clear and expressive: The addressee should be able to immediately decide after reading the e-mail about his or her action to be taken. It will happen only when you are clearly giving the message.


E-mail is a very important way of communication. It should do only that and not miscommunicate or confuse the reader. It should be sent on the need-to-send basis i.e. it should be sent only when required. The language should be clear and precise, taking full care of the other person’s precious time. The author has given all possible information on the subject and would recommend


#PerfectEMail #WritingPerfectEMail #HowToWritePerfectEMail #TipsToWritePerfectEMail

The author hopes the article to benefit all the readers. What do you think about it? Please post your comments in the comments box on the blog. You can also mail me: 

1 comment:

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