Thursday, 4 June 2020

14.b.Working Parents and their children-Problems and solutions

Negative points for the children of the working parents

Now we go into the negatives:

1.   Bad effects of outside help or daycare facilities

Sometimes, the parents hire outside help to take care of the children. These people may influence the children in a bad way. Sometimes these situations may lead to disastrous and criminal results also. They may indulge in teaching wrong values to the children, take advantage of their innocence, and may even steal valuables from the households. There is another risk of the children getting more attached to these persons and start ignoring their own parents.  

     2.   Wrong company

Being totally alone, sometimes, their boredom may lead them for picking up bad companies. This gives them, bad habits, ugly behavior, and wrong ideas. Sometimes, they lose interest in their studies and games, if attention is not given. They may take to aggressive behavior, drugs, or other such wrong things. Careful monitoring of even the minutest change in their nature needs to be monitored.

3.   Missing love and affection of the parents

The physical presence of the parents gives dollops of love and affection to the children. This cements a bond between them. The parents must spend quality time with their children after coming back from work. During these hours, irrespective of their duration, the parents must get totally involved in their children’s lives so as to keep a tap on their pulse. 

4.   Security Risks

The children, being alone, run the risk of meeting household accidents such as electrical shocks, misuse of knives, consumption of poisonous substances, etc. Besides, the criminal activities have also gone up, manifold. If such people get to know about the presence of only the children in the household, they may force their way inside for robbery, kidnapping, rapes, or other such heinous crimes. Adequate security measures are a must. 

5.   Misuse of independence

Children being independent may misuse it also. They may miss on their studies; sleep for a long time; eat too little or too much; watch age-inappropriate content on television, mobile phones or the internet and thus, grow in the wrong direction. This is compounded when some of the parents try to compensate for their absence with plenty of money in the hands of their children.

Thus, we can see that the positive factors outweigh the negative ones, easily. However, it is important to know more about raising children when both parents are working.


Easy tips for proper nurturing of the

Children of Working Parents

Despite the differences in every household, there are some common points shared by all the working parents and their children. These have been discussed, in detail, above, in the form of the positives as well as negatives of these situations.

1. Adjustment of work Requirements with those of home 

Balancing is very important in life. Consider this situation- Your child is sick. He needs you. Try to adjust your office work. Take leave. Postpone meetings but be with your child. It will help him in recuperation.

However, the reverse situation is also not good. An example- you have important work at the office but are taking shelter behind the child’s schoolwork or activity. This is also not good. Therefore, proper adjustment is the key to a happy life.

These days, ‘work from home’ has become a norm. Ladies may pick up such work that may possibly be carried out from the home. There are many possibilities to open now for online working.

2. Have an elderly person at home

There is nothing better for the children to have their grandparents live with them. In case of their non-availability, some other close elderly relative may be requested to join in for living with the family. Such a welcome addition in the family may take care of most of the negatives, mentioned above.  It is a big support for working parents as well. This takes care of the cost as well as the risk factors.

3. Utilize the services of a babysitter

This is useful especially when the children are too small. As their services are hired for this purpose only, they provide proper care and support to the children. It would be better if these services are taken from a placement agency. They are responsible and answerable for any wrong behavior by the persons employed. 

4. Crèche/ Daycare/ Boarding School

Crèche or Daycare centers are the specialized places that are run by the professionally qualified and dedicated people mainly for the benefit of the children of the working people. The additional advantage is that most of these are part of the pre-schools where the children get to learn as well. These places are equipped with comfortable beds, toys, books, air conditioners, or coolers to make the children comfortable. The attendants who take care of the children are properly trained for their jobs. There are a good number of children there. It helps the children to get into social activities and learn interaction. In the case of the grown-up children, choosing boarding schools is, again, a very good idea. The children will pick up all the positives mentioned above. In fact, their schooling there prepares to launch them in prestigious positions later in life. 

5. Keep them busy 

There is nothing better if the parents plan some activities for their children and take out time to monitor it later. These activities can be in the form of sports or some creative hobby like painting, writing, indoor games, dance, or music, etc. It should not be imposed upon them and planned only after watching their interest in the activities. 

6. Avoid neglecting them

Children are the most important part of your life. Their proper growth and development is your responsibility too. Neglecting the children amounts to negating your prime responsibility. Give them proper time and attention to look into their life. They may be facing a problem that can be solved with your undivided attention and guidance. Even if you are busy and may not like the disturbance, an angry rebuttal will give them irreparable hurt. Avoid using harsh words with the children.


Every child is like a stone waiting to be chiseled and carved to give it a proper shape. Primarily, it is the responsibility of the parents who are actively helped in this task by teachers and educational institutions. This becomes a little more demanding in case of the working parents because of their not being able to give long hours to their children. However, that can be compensated with regular monitoring, proper love, care, and affection of the parents.  Only then, the children can become good citizens who can bring glory to their families, country, and the world at large.

# WorkingParentsAndTheirChildren #ChildrenOfTheWorkingParents #ProblemsOfTheChildrenOfTheWorkingParents # TipsForWorkingParents # ProblemsOfTheChlldrenOfTheWorkingParents

The author has referred the website using this link during writing this article.


                                                                          R.C. Verma

This is the second and concluding article of the two-article series. The author has raised some important points relating to the children of working parents. It is a common issue of the day. The author hopes that the series will find acceptance and be able to provide some solutions.

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